Please note: We will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Family Day.

Pet Wellness

Learn more about St. Francis Animal Clinic pet wellness service below.

cat with green eyes

St. Francis Animal Clinic Pet Wellness

Our team at St. Francis is proud to provide you and your pet with our wellness care because the well-being of your pet matters.

dog with eyes closed

At St. Francis Animal Clinic, we believe annual wellness care is imperative to keeping your pet happy and healthy! Your pet’s health is important and preventive care is necessary. We recommend wellness exams, keeping your pets on a vaccination schedule, and working with us on all facets of wellness care.

During your annual physical exam, your veterinarian fully examines your pet and discuss vaccinations and ongoing wellness. Just like you do wellness visits with your doctor, it’s important that your pet does the same. During these visits, our team will spend time examining your pet from nose to tail.

We also provide puppy & kitten wellness care for new as well as experienced pet owners where we will discuss all that goes into taking care of a new pet.